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Sirgau ir sirgsiu-nu ir kas, koks virusas?
@Diedas ; tikriausiai vėl bus BESIMPTOMIS, kaip ir neizoliuotas, t. y., neegzistuojantis [COVIDAS].
,,COVID-19 was genetically engineered in a lab as a bioweapon, new smoking gun evidence shows''.


,,BOMBSHELL: Google (and YouTube) funded COVID-19 bioweapon development, study reveals''.

,,BIOWEAPONS FACTORIES: New study finds that the fully vaccinated are shedding mRNA and spike proteins onto the unvaccinated''.

Taip pat, rekomenduoju pasidomėti apie: SELF SPREADING VACCINES.

,,Former NHS director admits on social media: Hospitals LIED about patients’ cause of death during COVID-19 plandemic''

PLANDEMIC: China had a covid “vaccine” ready and waiting long before the pandemic
rekom pasidomėti Dr. Judy Mikovits pasis
rekom pasidomėti Dr. Judy Mikovits pasis

,,Plandemic end game: Real agenda behind pandemic is to enslave the human race following depopulation, says Dr. Judy Mikovits''

PLANDEMIC: Study reveals ventilator-acquired pneumonia killed millions – not COVID-19 as governments around the world claimed

,,PLANDEMIC measures are all about DEPOPULATION: Study links face masks to increased risk of stillbirths''

Populiacijos mažinimas,o avinai paklusniai tikės,toks globalistu planas,Davosas

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